
Vaccine Access Toolkit by Guest User

All of us need to take strong positive action within our communities to help with the recovery from the coronavirus. I was shocked to read this posting because somehow during the lockdown I failed to realize that government action alone was not the solution. Instead action by individuals and business leaders would bring forth the solutions we need. Sometimes you missed the obvious and for me this was one of those times.

Thankfully, the genius, Tyler Cowen, through his writings on his blog shows the clear path forward. I hope you'll follow me in doing more this year to be the change that we want to see happen in the world. Wake up, it's time to get moving.

Repost from Marginal Revolution

In order to break down the information barrier, I partnered with my local faith community to set up a vaccine outreach program. We have a dedicated vaccine information email address and a website consolidating information about vaccine eligibility, sites, and benefits. We call community members who don’t have email, offer personal assistance making appointments and connecting to ride services, and provide information about best practices for riding safely in a car with masks and open windows. After vaccine appointments, we check in to see how they are feeling, make sure their second dose is scheduled, and offer to drop off comfort foods. One recipient replied, “It makes this daunting time just a little easier knowing there is someone out there to guide one through this process. My technology skills are minimal!”

By Margaret Scharle, for Oregon.  We need much more of this.

Evolving with Creative Solutions by Guest User

Pay attention because the branch banking world is evolving. Recently, our Bank of America Branch closed in Orlando and we leased their building to another tenant. In addition, we worked with Bank of America to design and build this drive thru ATM. The world is always evolving with creative new solutions. Life without innovation is boring. There is no retail apocalypse. Simba beats Scar.

World Population by Guest User


When I was born there were only 3.0B people. Today there are nearly 8.0B and somehow, in the last 60 years, we managed to thrive. The world population is projected to reach 9.9 billion by 2050, an increase of more than 25% from the current 2020 population of 7.8 billion. Total fertility rates are below the replacement level of 2.1 births per woman in 91 countries and territories, mostly in Asia and Europe, as well as in the United States. What a great time to be alive. Notice that the world's population growth rate is dropping like a rock. America is still the leader. Let's all help keep it that way.

The world population is projected to reach 9.9 billion by 2050, an increase of more than 25% from the current 2020 population of 7.8 billion

2020 Top 10 U.S Retail E-commerce Companies by Guest User

Today nearly 15% of all US retail sales are from e-commerce. Our forecast is that by 2030, nearly 30% of retail sales will be generated on-line. This transformation from a brick and mortar economy to an omni-channel model will vastly improve the customer experience. It will also require massive investment, innovation, training and retooling. Soon we will all live like the Jetsons. Change is good.

Here is e-Marketer’s listing of the 2020 top 10 U.S retail e-commerce companies ranked by sales.

  1. Amazon: $309.58

  2. Walmart: $46.20

  3. eBay: $38.61

  4. Apple: $27.51

  5. The Home Depot: $16.71

  6. Best Buy: $15.70

  7. Target: $13.82

  8. Wayfair: $11.66

  9. Kroger: $11.28

  10. Costco: $11.18

Figures are in Billions.

Top 10 US Retailers by Duane Stiller

In the last 30 years, the forces of creative destruction blasted away on the top 10 retail performers. Today, only 4 remain on the top 10 list and the other 6 are gone forever. Was that 30 year struggle an apocalypse? Not at all, it's just the innovative cycle that makes America the strongest nation in the world.

Every 15 years, half of the S&P 500 companies are dropped from the list. The same is true for the top 10 US retailers. Which 5 companies will get dropped from this list by 2035? I wish I knew, but whatever happens we will all be much better off.
